HMS runs on all standard hardware platforms and can be easily customized to suit the requirements and reflect the priorities of your hospital management team.

SIEPL has developed a core package - HMS - which addresses all the major functional areas of hospitals

The development environment ensures that HMS has the portability and connectivity to run on virtually all standard hardware platforms, with stringent data security and easy recovery in case of a system failure.

HMS is available on SQL Server 7.0/My SQL/MS -Access and Visual Basic 6.0, which is best suited for a smaller number of concurrent users

HMS provides the benefits of streamlined operations, enhanced administration and control, improved response to patient care, cost control, and improved profitability.

SIEPL believes that every hospital is unique in terms of its requirements and priorities. Hence, flexibility has been built into HMS to allow easy customization.

HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT Solutions can be built keeping the following main modules into consideration Registration, Inpatient, Outpatient, Doctor, Laboratories, Wards, Stores, Pharmacy, Accounts & Management Information System Reports.

The solution can be provided for single user and multi user environment. It provides multi layer security for proper functioning. The easy-to-follow cascading menus, toolbars, tabs, scroll boxes and data entry screens make using the software enjoyable.

Key Business Benefits to a Hospital

✔ Upto Date Information of Patient.
✔ Increased Patient Satisfaction level.
✔ Time Savings.
✔ Faster Reaction for the patient requirement